Gold Corporation

For further information about Gold Corporation, please see the below links and documents. 


Legal entity

Gold Corporation

Trading names

The Perth Mint, The Perth Mint Refinery

Business address

Perth Mint Buildings, 310 Hay Street , East Perth WA 6004

Mailing address

GPO Box M924, Perth, Western Australia, 6843

Date of incororation

18 December 1987

ABN registration number

98 838 298 431

Tax number

46 04 96 69

LEI number



ASX (Exchange Traded Product only. Stock code PMGOLD).

External auditor

AuditorGeneral for Western Australia (Government)

Below are links to pages and documents to help complete your due diligence checks. Should anything else be required, please complete the form at the bottom of the page. 

Contact us

Compliance team
For enquiries about Gold Corporation.

Due diligence request for Gold Corporation

Request for documents not available on the website
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