What is gold?
Gold is one of the rarest of precious metals, revered through the ages for its economic value and beauty. The naturally occurring metal has been mined throughout the world.
Dating back to ancient civilisations, gold has continued to glimmer as a source of wealth, a currency exchange, an investment that holds its value in times of crisis and for its lustre in jewellery and fine wares.
What is the gold price?
While a gold price is reported daily in the media, the actual price of gold changes constantly whenever global markets are open. The price that gold can be bought at right now in any part of the world is called the spot price. This is a continually trading price based on supply, demand and many other factors as different markets open and close around the world.

Why invest in gold?
People invest in gold for many reasons including:
- as a cash alternative when interest rates are low
- to diversify a portfolio
- as hedge against falling stock markets.
Investors can analyse charts for trends – short term investors may look at five-minute updates, while long-term investors may look to annual or even longer trends.

Ways to buy gold
Gold can be bought as physical coins and bars or online. Coins include legal tender and bullion. Bars include minted or cast. You can also buy gold as exchange traded products. The quality and craftsmanship of our gold products is sought after around the world.

Ways to store gold
Gold stored with us can be bought as allocated (where you pay a fee to store physical bars in our vaults) or unallocated (where you own the gold, but it forms part of our working inventory and has no storage fees). Whether allocated or unallocated, we ensure your gold is available for collection, usually within a few days of receiving your advice.

What is Perth Mint gold?
We refine the gold that we sell, ensuring we meet the highest global standards.

Ethical gold
Ensuring gold is ethically sourced is front of mind for our refinery, one of the largest in the world. We meet the highest global accreditation standards and use innovative methods to refine gold of the highest purity.

What advice can I get on investing and tax?
As we are not financial advisors, we can’t advise on what products to buy, how to set up your portfolio or tax matters. However, as a helpful resource, we provide insights for investors and a global news feed so you can monitor markets. It’s always recommended to seek professional advice on investing, financial and tax matters.